As common foods, pollution, stress, and other daily factors can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body, individuals should engage in sporadic detox diets to cleanses and renew their bodies. As the body often experiences a variety of complications when toxins are not removed, a detox diet can help dieters gain an extensive list of health enhancements and physical benefits.

Complications of Toxins

While there are a variety of detox methods and diet practices, the general practice of a detox plan involves ridding the body of various toxins, poisons, and harmful chemicals. These unhealthy agents often invade the body from sources such as:

  • Pesticides / fertilizers in fruits and vegetables
  • Chemicals added to fast foods / pre-packaged foods
  • Preservatives in common foods / meals
  • Excess body waste stored from a low-fiber diet
  • Pollution and chemicals from water, air, and other sources

When these toxins remain in the body, individuals may experience a decreased function from areas such as:

  • The kidneys
  • The lymph / lymph nodes
  • The liver

Also, toxins in the body can cause unwanted side effects such as exhaustion, moodiness, depression, and other harmful effects.

Detox Diet Options

When engaging in a detox diet, individuals can choose a specific program that caters to their unique lifestyle habits and needs. Many extreme detox diets involve a abstaining from foods while only consuming water or natural liquids, while less intense detox diets typically require a reduction of food intake / diet alterations.

Regardless of the restrictiveness of the diet, detoxification programs typically require an elimination of chemically altered / enhanced foods. Examples of foods that should be avoided during a detox diet commonly include:

  • Fried foods
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Pre-packaged meals / snacks
  • Caffeine
  • Foods with sugar (aside from natural sugars, such as in fruits)
  • Candy / desserts

While avoiding these foods, and many others, a detox diet generally encourages the increased consumption of options such as:

  • Raw fruits
  • Raw vegetables
  • Lean proteins, such as nuts or protein powder
  • Lean meat (although some detox diets require a vegetarian-only approach)
  • Increased water intake
  • Increased intake of water with lemon / citrus
  • Increased intake of herbs and natural / organic plant ingredients

Daily Detox

While there are many different forms of a detox plan, an example of a moderate detox diet may include several days to several weeks adhering to a daily diet regimen such as:

  • Breakfast – Warm water with lemon, plain yogurt with one piece of raw fruit
  • Snack – A small serving of natural / raw almonds with water
  • Lunch – A salad with a variety of raw vegetables and sunflower seeds or nuts. The salad should also be void of dressing, meat, and dairy / cheese
  • Snack – A small piece of fruit
  • Dinner – Tofu with raw or lightly steamed vegetables and brown rice
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