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Happiness and Healthiness Are Contagious

Happiness may love company even more than misery. Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of California, San Diego, found that happiness may stem more from a group effort than from one person’s lifestyle and choices. Their 20-year study of 5,000 individuals shows that a person’s positive emotional state is actually contagious, affecting not [&hellip.


Weight Loss Using Wii Sports

Can you lose weight by playing video games? Generally video games are lumped into the category of things that cause weight gain and obesity. Along with television and computer usage, video games are considered a negative aspect of modern life when used in exccess. They take children and adults away from physical activity and keep [&hellip.


The Tortoise Diet

Most diets out their focus on quick weight loss. The best selling diets are ones that can help take the weigh off quickly and most try to show that they can fulfill this promise. However, some diets take a different route. Some diets promise weight loss without speed. Enter The Tortoise Diet. The Tortoise Diet [&hellip.


4 Ways To Beat Food Buffets

All you can eat buffets are a huge downfall for many dieters. All the delicious food they can ever eat is asembled for consumption right before their eyes. Buffets at restaurants and social functions can be a dieter’s downfall or they can be an occasion to celebrate success. Although they can be trying, buffets can [&hellip.


3 Ways To Avoid Weekend Weight Gain

Many people make the mistake of dieting strictly during the week and then letting loose on the weekend. They allow themselves to unwind too much and find out on Monday that the needle on the scale has moved much farther than they hoped. According to researchers many people change their eating habits drastically on weekends. [&hellip.


Summer Fruit

It is summer time, which is the best time of the year to enjoy fruit. No other season offers as many delicious fruits at their peak of taste and freshness. If you are not familiar with the overabundance of fresh summer fruits available, no need to worry. We’ve got a quick run down for you [&hellip.


Obesity Rates Continue To Rise in America

According to F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies Are Failing in America 2009, a report released this month by the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) obesity rates in the United States are rising with no signs of slowing. Adult obesity rates climbed in 23 states. Not a [&hellip.


Newest Fitness Craze: Zumba

What is Zumba? Zumba is an exercise craze sweeping the nation right now. Almost a million Americans have taken a Zumba class at their local gym and many, many more are begging their local gyms to start offering a Zumba class. Zumba is an intense style of dance-aerobics workout set to upbeat latin music. Zumba, [&hellip.


How to Tone Up with Pilates

Pilates is an exercise program / system designed to provide participants with an array of benefits. By engaging in Pilates exercises alone with a group, both men and women can quickly shape up, lose weight, and increase their muscle tone. What is Pilates? Pilates is said to have been created by a man named Joseph [&hellip.


Ways to End a Weight Loss Plateau

If you have ever tried to lose weight for a long period of time then you have encountered the dreaded plateau. When trying to lose fat over a sustained period of time you eventually hit points where nothing is happening. You haven’t made changes but suddenly the fat loss stops. Your weight loss all but [&hellip.