Okinawa Diet


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The Okinawa Diet is an Asian-based program that focuses on the long-held traditions that have helped promote longevity. Adopting traditional practices, the Okinawa Diet is named after the Okinawan Islands as the United States Census Bureau has reported that the average lifespan of a Japanese citizen is approximately 82 years. Therefore, by following the Okinawa Diet program, individuals can anticipate a healthier, and longer, lifestyle and wellbeing.

What is the Okinawa Diet?

The Okinawa Diet is designed on specific healthy principals that have been proven to stimulate various physical benefits. By promoting a lifestyle of both diet and exercise, the Okinawa Diet implements specific habits from the Eastern culture. For example, the Okinawa Diet highlights the core secrets for healthier living, weight loss, and longevity, which include information on tips such as:

  • How to balance one’s intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
  • How to fell full on fewer calories
  • How to incorporate healthy Eastern foods with Western foods
  • How to lose fat without losing body mass / muscle
  • How to determine which foods are “calorie dense,” as some foods are high in calorie but will not satiate hunger, while other foods are lower in calories and will keep dieters feeling fuller and more satisfied longer

To guide dieters, the Okinawa Diet book and online website provide various resources such as:

  • Eating and nutrition plans
  • Exercise information
  • Motivational and informational texts
  • Shopping list and recipe information

Pros of the Okinawa Diet

  • The program is based on traditional and healthy principals
  • Dieters will experience weight loss and/or weight management
  • Dieters can take advantage of both the website and the book for support
  • The diet also provides individuals with shopping list generators and specific food / nutrition information
  • The program promotes a consistent exercise regimen
  • Online dieters can engage in message and support boards
  • Online dieters can email the Okinawa Diet experts
  • Vegetarians are provided with specific meal alternatives
  • The program addresses both the physical and psychological elements of health and wellbeing
  • The website offers success stories
  • The diet is affordable as the web-based program costs less than $3 per week
  • The Okinawa Diet is intended for long-term use, and is not a short-term weight loss program that can be difficult to follow

The Okinawa Diet and Food Options

By focusing on traditional Eastern foods, the Okinawa Diet also strives to incorporate a variety of Western-based foods, thus consumers may enjoy healthy fusion flavors. Essentially, the Okinawa Diet strives to help dieters lose and/or maintain a healthy weight while experiencing a longer-life span by incorporating beneficial foods that contain the perfect combination of:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • Fibers
  • Fluids

Adding to this, the Okinawa Diet discourages a high consumption of processed foods, trans fats, sugar, and animal fats. Instead of these elements, dieters should increase their intake of healthier foods such as:

  • Fresh fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Monosaturated fats (olive oil, avocado, nuts)
  • Lean protein (fish, chicken)
  • Green and black teas

By replacing over-processed and unhealthy foods with these healthier options, dieters can anticipate an overall physical improvement, as these healthier foods help dieters feel fuller longer, which boosts weight loss and can help dieters maintain specific desired weights. In addition, by replacing high sugar beverages with water, or green and black teas, dieters will feel less fatigue from fewer sugar “crashes” and dehydration-based headaches.

Examples of Okinawa Diet recipes include menu options such as:

  • Chicken and Rice, referred to as Nasi Goreng Ayam
  • Oven-Grilled Scallop and Napa Cabbage Casserole
  • Blueberry Pancakes
  • Zesty Wasabi Style Potatoes
  • Beef Teriyaki with a Cabernet Sauce
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