21 Days to Transform Your Life


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Written by popular talk show host Montel Williams, 21 Days to Transform Your Life is a diet and self-improvement book designed to optimize one’s physical, mental, and emotional well being.

What is the Plan?

After being diagnosed with a debilitating disease, multiple sclerosis, in 1999, Williams was inspired to focus and improve his overall being.  In learning of his disease, he became a firm believer that all people should rid their diets of junk food, while boosting their consumptions of fruits and vegetables.  The book provides recipes, insights, and health information that provide users with step-by-step instructions and plans.

How does it Work?

Williams provides readers with week-by-week programs for the duration of 21 days.  Elements of his program include:

  • Food dairies
  • Activity and exercise logs
  • A list of specific plans to live well
  • Secret “weapon” recipes, such as information on Williams’ popular “Green Drink”
  • “Superfood” information and recipes
  • Motivational anecdotes and insight

What Foods Can I Eat?

As the book contains many recipes, some of the sample recipes from 21 Days to Transform Your Life are:

  • Red Miso Soup with Poached Alaskan Salmon
  • Southwestern Macho Man Salad
  • Garden Burger with Roasted Sweet Potato Fries

Also, Williams advocates that dieters incorporate his popular “Green Drink” recipe into daily food plans.  This drink is a blend of natural “superfoods” that Williams claims helps regenerate his body while boosting his feelings of wellness.  Ingredients in the “Green Drink” can be rotated daily, which may include foods such as:

  • Oranges
  • Spinach
  • Apples
  • Swiss Chard
  • Mango
  • Beets

Williams Approach to Exercise:

With illustrated exercises included in the step-by-step plans, Williams advocates for activities that will promote long-term healthy living.  The second week of his book focuses on the concept of “Energize Your Body,” and includes chapters about movement and wellness, such as “Feel the Joy of Regular Physical Activity.”

Potential Pros for 21 Days

Many users enjoy Williams’ charismatic and motivational writing style, which is designed to make the diet both enjoyable and encouraging.  Also, Williams approaches his healthy-living plans as long-term solutions for both mental and physical well being.  And as he describes his own experiences with health and multiple sclerosis, his book may specifically helpful for those also experiencing disease.

Potential Cons for 21 Days

While the book is affordable and easy to follow, Montel Williams has no formal training for diet, health, or fitness; therefore, his advice, while potentially useful and well informed, is not backed by a degree or clinical trials.  As a result of this, some readers report that his information is often elementary.

In regards to the recipes, some consumers complained that his recipes included high amounts of salt, while others mentioned that many of the recipes were difficult to incorporate into a daily eating regimen, as some recipes try to avoid dairy, meats, and many pastas.

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