Shaq’s Family Challenge


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Shaq’s Family Challenge is a weight loss and health program designed and lead by the professional basketball star, Shaq! Featured on the ABC Network, Shaq’s Family Challenge focuses on teaching families how to compete, lose weight, and stay focused on goals and progress.

How Does Shaq’s Family Challenge Work?

Shaq’s Family Challenge is an ABC show hosted by Shaq. To help guide participants towards achieving new and healthy fitness goals, a group of six kids learn how to implement necessary personal changes in order to lose weight, adopt skills, and move towards healthier lifestyles for long-term wellness. While this particular television show is not accessible to all interested participants, kids and families can take advantage of alternative Shaq’s Family Challenge resources, which are available online. By either watching the show while implementing the suggested strategies, or by participating in the Shaq’s Family Challenge activities online, kids and families can play along to learn new healthy habits and techniques, while furthermore receiving motivational feedback from Shaq, as he strives to inspire all kids to achieve their personal wellness success.

Shaq’s Family Challenge Promises

Before beginning the Shaq’s Family Challenge, all interested participants must first sign a certificate that validates all participants’ promises regarding the Shaq program. These promises include:

  • Limiting fast food to one time per week
  • Participants must engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise each day
  • Participants must set goals and promise to exercise
  • Individuals must log their food intake for the first two weeks of the program

Once individuals sign up online, they will have access to a variety of Shaq’s Family Challenge tools and resources, some of which include:

  • Expert fitness and dietary advice and support
  • Dietary plans and programs
  • Over 200 recipes to promote healthy eating
  • Family activity guides and suggestions
  • Parenting tips to keeping kids motivated and interested
  • Access to encouragement from Shaq

Shaq’s Family Challenge Food and Exercise

As parents and kids navigate the online resources and tools, Shaq’s Family Challenge specifically focuses on tips and techniques for encouraging healthier eating habits. These topics for nutrition and diet include:

  • How to choose healthy foods at unhealthy restaurants
  • How sugary snacks lead to weight loss
  • How to make smart beverage choices / Discovering more info about soda, juice, and drink options

In addition to nutrition information, Shaq’s Family Challenge also strives to teach families about exercise. Most notably, Shaq’s Family Challenge reinforces that exercise and activities can be fun and engaging events for the whole family! These activities do not need to feel like a burden or punishment; to the contrary, exercise should be viewed as a fun opportunity for parents to spend time with their children.

Benefits of Shaq’s Family Challenge

  • The program focuses on family-oriented strategies for support and success
  • Shaq serves as an inspirational role-model for young kids struggling with weight
  • The program encourages sensible eating and exercise habits
  • Shaq encourages dieters to set goals, and requires that dieters sign a contract
  • The program is considered to be affordable, although prices and promotions vary. Some discounts offer online access for only a few dollars.
  • The program teaches children how to become aware of responsible and healthy choices
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