Eat Drink and Be Healthy


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Written by Dr. Walter C. Willett, Eat Drink and Be Healthy is a weight loss book designed to provide dieters with nutrition and weight loss information. Dr. Willet is the chair of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, and is also a professor at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Willett has based his research on evidence and research from the scientific field. Generally, Dr. Willet encourages dieters to follow an eating regimen that includes:

  • A lower meat intake
  • A lower milk intake
  • Decreased consumption of sugar
  • Increased vegetable consumption
  • Decreased consumption of refined flour and potatoes
  • Increased olive oil and canola oil (instead of butter)

How Does Eat Drink and Be Healthy Work?

Dr. Willett’s plan focuses on providing dieters with specific information about diet and fitness. He has provided dieters with clear and easy to follow guides that are based on a variety of research and trails, and attempts to help dieters find clarity amidst all of the fad diets and mainstream nutritional information.

Good and Bad Fats

Dr. Willett provides readers with a variety of nutrition information; for example, one of his chapters focuses on “good and bad fats.” In this chapter, Dr. Willett discusses fat-based information and topics, such as:

  • New findings on different kinds of fats
  • Benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Dangers of partially hydrogenated fats

Recipe Samples

Dr. Willet’s plan includes a variety of healthy recipes with nutritional information. For example, dieters can try Dr. Willet’s Mango Energy Blitz. The Mango recipe involves:

  • 1 teabag kiwi-pear green or Earl Grey tea
  • 1 mango peeled and chopped
  • 1 banana, peeled and cut into smaller pieces
  • 1 cup apricot nectar (available in grocery stores)
  • 1/2 cup carrot juice
  • 1/8 tsp fresh nutmeg

Dieters can follow Dr. Willet’s user friendly directions to combine the ingredients for a healthy and filling snack. Added to this, Dr. Willet provides dieters with the nutritional content of his recipes. The Mango Energy Blitz, for example, has the following nutritional content:

  • One serving is one cup
  • 98 caloires
  • 0.7 grams of protein
  • 25.2 grams of carbohydrates
  • 2 grams of fiber
  • 27 milligrams of sodium
  • 0.2 grams of fat

Obesity Information

In addition to providing dieters with a variety of information and resources, Dr. Willet also focuses a portion of his book to the discussion of obesity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 66 percent of United States residents are overweight; as a result, Dr. Willet explores the various negative impacts that obesity poses to one’s overall health and well being. Dr. Willett continues on by discussing the pros and cons of some common diets and perceptions of health.

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